While running generate_hash , failing at step 4 ~ 5 with error code 1437 and below message
1. Payload has extracted from the IPA ...
2. Codesigning your app using certificate used to sign your IPA ...
3. Generating app integrity/certificate snapshot ...
4. Encrypting app integrity/certificate snapshot ...
Error occured : Bundle_Id or account information is not exist.
If this error occurs continuously, contact AppSealing Help Center.
error code : 1437
Bundle_Id or account information is not exist.
IPA`s bundle_id is mismatched with the bundle_id_prefix of the AppSealing Console`s ios project.
How to fix
First, please double-check check your IPA file`s bundle_id and bundle_id_prefix of the AppSealing Console is matching properly. If the value does not match, you need to create or find a project with the proper bundle_id_prefix and integrate again.
If the bundle_id value matches but still gets symptoms, please get in touch with us through the help center, with the full log of generate_hash and the used IPA file. dev-team will check the detail root cause and support you.